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A Succesfull Job Interview

            Nowdays in this modern era, get job is not easy for some people. The people more competitive to get the job that they want. To know and selection the applicants, all of them must do a job interview. In this stage, many people have failed for several reason. But however, if an applicant wants to be a successful person in job interview, there are some of the factors that causes a succesfull job interview are from good appereace, educational background and also an experiences applicant in work.
            In order for a successful job interview, an applicant must has good appereace. It means that if someone wants to do job interview, she/he must has good preparation for her/himself. She/he has to make her/himself clean and good looking. Some of the companies give the rule for the applicants to wear formal dress code. Usually , the companies have different categories of it. An interviewer looks at the aplicant’s appereance for the first and if she/he has good appereance and obey one of the rules in a company like she/he wears pollite and formal dress code, an interviewer thinks that she/he has a readiness to do job well. So, looking for appereance an applicant is important to describe the characteristic of her/himself.
            The other factor that has huge influence for a succesfull job interview is educational background of an applicant. Some of the companies looking for the applicants that have good education. An applicant who has the higher education is usually needed by companies. An interviewer allways asks an applicant for the last her/his education. It’s better when she/he graduated from fresh graduated but no matter if an applicant just graduated from senior high school or vocational high school, it’s depend on the requirements of the company.  So, if someone has good educational background, she/he should get huge opportunately to get the job.
            The last cause for a succesfull job interview is experiences an applicant in work. When an applicant doing a job interview, she/he will get some question from an interviewer where she/he works  for the last. A company will give priority an applicant who has experiences of the sector in the job that has related with new job at that company. The skill is needed for the job because it makes the job is faster and efficient. In the other word if an applicant has skill and has experiences for working, off course an interviewer will make her/him as an employee ini that company.
            In conclusion, some companies are more selective to choose the candidate worker or employee in the interview stage. For a successful job interview, it’s influence by attractive appereance from an applicant, good education that an applicant has, also from an applicant also experienced in a speciality.



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