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A Successful College Student

College can be an overwhelming experience, with so much to do and seemingly little time to do all. In order to make the most of your time in college, you will need to do well in class, take advantage of extracurricular opportunities, and prepare yourself for life after graduation. Going to college can be a fun and exciting time, especially if you are committed to being successful.
The first key of successful college student is go to campus on time. Students who arrive at school early have an advantage over classmates who stumble through the door after class has begun. Consistent unexcused tardiness can mean short-term penalties and lifelong consequences. Enjoy more time to prepare. Students arriving to school with time to spare have the luxury of settling in, preparing their class materials and focusing their minds on the lessons to come. They have all the time they need to literally and figuratively wake up. Never miss important information Arriving to school after classes have begun can cause students to miss more than just the introduction to a new lesson. Students who show up late may miss out on these details and as a result, be unprepared for some future class event. While a teacher will likely reiterate crucial information throughout the day, latecomers may miss out on courtesy reminders about homework assignments and other projects. And develop positive lifelong habits. Alternatively, showing up on time to school every day can help students develop of the habit of being punctual with important commitments.
The second key of successful college student is diligent. Keep a planner. A planner helps you organize your day and maintain diligence. You’ll need to write down all major exams and due dates for a given semester or term. Get an early start on projects. Waiting until the end of the semester to work on a big project will only make you more stressed than you have to be, especially when you’re also studying for exams. Allow for the unexpected. Sometimes life intervenes and makes it difficult or impossible to reach a goal when you want to, or to finish a project on time. You may have to re-schedule, re-work, and re-evaluate your goals. This is all okay and a normal part of progress. There is no need to be hard on yourself when this happens.
The third key of successful college student is active in the class. Active class participation also improves critical and higher level thinking skills. Participation can also help students learn from each other.  Participate in class such as ask question of your instructors, give answer if they as questions, and contribute to discussion section. Next, come prepared to the class everyday. Complete all assignments and reading and review notes from previous class. This will help you to avoid from asking inappropriate questions and making uninformed comments. And think about important questions. When getting ready to the class, We can think about important questions and concerns that may come up in class. Be prepared to handle these.
The conclusion, being a successful college student we must prepare to come in the class. Then diligent to do assignment and come on time. And if we have many material about the lesson we easy to give participation in the class.


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