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The Summary of Journal “The Effect of Technology On Learner Attention and Achievement in The Classroom”

The Summary of Journal The Effect of Technology On Learner Attention and Achievement in The Classroom”
G Bester and L Brand

The researcher has three hypothesis based on his journal. That are:
·         Firstly, is was assumed that there would be is a significant difference between the average achievements of a group of learners exposed to technology during a lesson, compared with a group who received the content of the lesson in a normal, verbal way without being exposed to any technology.
·         In the second hypothesis it was assumed that there would be a significant difference between the average attention of a group exposed to technology during a lesson, compared to a group who received the content of the lesson without exposure to any
·         The third hypothesis states that a significant relationship may exist between the motivation and concentration of learners.

In all three the learning areas the application of technology instruction resulted in a significant difference between the average achievement of the learners who received technology instruction during the lesson and those who received normal
verbal instruction.
These studies emphasise that learners would retain more information with the help of sufficient stimulating technological content in their learning materials. 

The Summary of Journal “The Effect of Group Investigation and Learning Style On Students’ Writing of Analytical Exposition”
Bambang Untoro

This study aimed to investigate the influence of group investigation, the difference between auditory and visual students, and the interaction between group investigation and learning style on students’ writing of analytical exposition. It was a quasi-experimental conducted for the second graders of SMA Islam Al-Azhar BSD.
The findings revealed that there was an influence of group investigation on students’ writing of analytical exposition. The writing of students that experienced the group investigation model was better than those who had the conventional one. There was a significant difference between auditory students and visual students on their writing of analytical exposition. In both groups, the visual students had better achievement than the auditory ones.
The visual and auditory students in experimental group had higher improvement. There was also a significant interaction between group investigation and learning style on students’ writing of analytical exposition. It could be concluded that applying a group investigation model was recommended in teaching writing of analytical exposition.

The Summary of Journal “English Literature Teaching: An Indonesian Context”
Nita Novianti

Literature has gained an increasingly important place in language learning. Particularly in the EFL context, it has been regarded as beneficial for the improvement of English skills. However, there is not much attention given to the teaching of English literature for the sake of literature, not merely as a tool or technique in language learning, especially in Indonesia.
 The research therefore aims to investigate the teaching of English literature to EFL students in Indonesian universities. More specifically, it attempts to find how English literature lecturers select literary texts, what problems encountered by lecturers in teaching English literature to EFL students, and how they cope with the problems. A case study to three lecturers teaching three different literature courses in a state university in Indonesia was conducted.
The findings show that:
First, lengths, levels of language difficulty, canonical status, and the cultural background of the author become the main consideration for selecting the literary texts to teach;
Second, the problems encountered are of threefold, namely reading habit, English proficiency, and resources;
Third, some of the strategies to cope with the problems consist of individual reading assignment, reading group, and taking the most advantage of the internet for teaching resources.
This research has demonstrated that there are many areas for further studies in the teaching of English literature to EFL students in Indonesia, finding effective teaching models is one of them.

The Summary of Journal “Using Creative Problem Solving And Mobile Learning To Develop Classroom Management Skills Of English Preservice Teachers”
Dr. Jehan Mahmoud El-Bassuony

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of creative problem solving and mobile learning in developing EFL pre-service teachers' classroom management skills. The sample of the study included 10 pre-service teachers enrolled in the fourth year, English department for basic education at Port Said Faculty of Education. A mixed methods research design was adopted for this study to allow triangulation of data and explore the multi-dimensional nature of classroom management skills. The instruments of the study included a classroom management skills questionnaire, classroom management observation checklist, classroom management skills test and a rubric for scoring it and two interview question guides.
The results of the study revealed that the treatment was effective in developing EFL pre-service teachers' classroom management skills. Pre-service teachers started with a limited perception of classroom management skills and moved to a much clearer, organized, and complicated one as shown in the participants' responses to interview questions. On the other hand, they stressed the importance of creative problem solving and mobile learning in helping them to solve different classroom management problems.


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